The Nashville Water Plant has released the precipitation figures for this past November, which ended on Friday. For the month of November, we had 5.18-inches of rain, with the high being on November 1st, where we saw 1.78-inches of rain. There was also 0.8-inches of rain on November 6th and 0.75-inches on the 26th. We now have a total of 70.56 inches of rain that has gone through our area this year through 11 months, well above our average. Over the past 2 years, our rainfall was an average of around 3.5-inches. Our snowfall was 3.2-inches, all happening on one night, totaling 3.2-inches. That brings our total snow for 2018 at 4.8-inches, slightly above average for the year. The average temperature for November was 38.3-degrees, with a high of 62 on November 25th and 26th, and a low of 15-degrees, back on November 28th.