With a goal of earlier detection and greater awareness, Saint Joseph’s in Breese will observe October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  “Except for skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer among all women in the United States and the second leading cause of cancer deaths in women, exceeded only by lung cancer,” said Mary Foraker, hospital Medical Imaging supervisor.  Saint Joseph’s is lighting the hospital in pink, hanging a banner and putting up pink ribbons on outdoor poles on and off the hospital campus and at several intersections in Breese.  A display with information will be available in the hospital front lobby, women having a mammogram during October will receive a pink carnation and area cosmetologists will be invited to a presentation on breast cancer with general surgeon Timothy Ruff, MD, followed by a tour of the hospital’s Cancer Care Closet at the HealthPlex.  A proclamation was presented for signing by the Clinton County Board Chairman and area mayors, while area businesses received a poster and information on the importance of early detection.  Also, information will be available at upcoming health fairs and pink shoelaces will be distributed to area sports teams to wear during an upcoming game.  For more information about services offered or activities during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, contact 526-5458.