Nashville will be open late for business this Friday from 6 to 9 PM for “MOONLIGHT MADNESS.”  Nashville Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, Kerri Huge explains that this is a special event throughout the town with stores open late with great sales and deals.  It’s also a great time to register at the stores for Nashville Dollars, which will be given away at 9:15 PM on the Courthouse lawn.  Also, stop by the Chamber of Commerce to get the 2013-2014 Chamber Savings Card at a discount Friday night.  One is only $13 and two are $20, when they are regularly $15 for one or $25 for two.  They have $1,000 of savings in them.  Then, on Saturday, November 30th, it will be the 1st Annual Santa Saturday in Nashville.   Again, the town will be filled with many sales and offers along with the arrival of Santa Claus.   Huge associates these 2 days with Black Friday.  If you wish to participate in these events, please call Kerri Huge at 327-3700.