The Nashville Grade and Middle School has been contemplating having laptop computers for every student for a couple of years now and it could become a reality at next week’s Board of Education meeting.  Superintendent Mike Brink says they will vote on it and it could be implemented to begin this August.  He stressed there were 4 things the Board and Committee stressed while working on the project.  All through their visits, strategic planning and discussions were cost, connectivity, sustainability and safety.  He feels they addressed them and are comfortable with them.  Brink says technology is the future and kids are using it now.  Of course they want to update the curriculum, such as textbooks on the computer as shown below.

Digital Textbook

They also meet the students in their turf, which is digital technology, and the school is doing them a disservice if they don’t look at this program.  They held a couple of parent informational meetings this month, but if you did not get a chance to attend one, listen to the V on Sunday morning at 8 o’clock for an interview with Brink going over the details of the proposal.  Also, the information is available on the school’s website.