The Ashley Grade School Board of Education met Monday night.  Superintendent Brian Hodge says a fundraiser was approved for the benefit of the PeeWee Basketball program.  They then approved the school to apply for the next round of Maintenance Grants, which is a $50,000 matching grant.  Hodge says possible projects will include getting rid of windows in much of the school, as some areas are completely windows for walls, as well as improving the entrance to get rid of as much glass in them.  These are safety issues.  They did approve a 1-year contract with Sherman Bus, but would like to renegotiate the contract.  They approved Lawnscape to do the mowing services through the year.  Hodge says they did not make any changes to the school calendar.  They are still off on March 3rd for Casimir Pulaski Day, as well as being off the Friday before Easter and the entire following week for Spring Break.  They have used 5 Act of God Days, as they had 2 interrupted days, not full days off.  The last day of school is June 4th, but graduation has not been set.  Hodge says the Board will help with Graduation costs, as they will pay for half of the items for each student.  This includes cap, gown and any honor cords.  The student is responsible for the other half of the cost.  4th graders will be allowed to participate in Scholar Bowl now.  There will be a Trivia Night fundraiser for the school around May 1st.  The Board approved of a University of Illinois Extension Youth Cooking class for 4 days during the summer to be held in the school’s kitchen.  Hodge says enrollment dropped 2 from the last meeting to 176 students in pre-kindergarten through 8th grade.