The Steering Committee for Kaskaskia College’s new Nashville Education Center held a meeting last week to discuss progress in fundraising for the new facility.  Nancy Kinsey, Vice-president of Operations for the College, reported that the campaign has amassed $2,247,256 toward the estimated cost of $3,055,000, leaving $807,744 in private donations to fully fund the project.  Additional donations, not counted in that total, were reported by committee members.  These are expected to be reflected at the next meeting.  A report was given on the Mouse Race fundraiser, held at the Roland Barkau Memorial Golf Course in Okawville on March 15th.  Over $3,800 was raised by the event, which was reported to be an enjoyable evening, despite competing with the Nashville Hornets playing for the State Title at the same time.  Committee members brainstormed on other promotional ideas for the coming months.  George Evans, Dean of Career and Technical Education for the College, reported on some of the classes expected to be available in the new Center, including Certified Nursing Assistant classes in a dedicated laboratory.  For more information on the new Center, or to make a donation, please contact Suzanne Christ at 618-545-3069.  They would like to raise the funds quickly, so they can begin construction this summer and have the building ready for Fall 2015.