The Illinois Department of Insurance offers some tips to help avoid some common holiday disasters.  According to insurance industry and government statistics, serious accidents, fires and injuries, happen in conjunction with celebrating during the holiday season.  Yet, the majority of people celebrating may not be aware of the risks and may not know what to do to prevent such mishaps.  Food is another big part of celebrations, so don’t ruin the holidays with food poisoning.  Follow two very important rules: keep hot food hot and cold food cold.  Cook food to a temperature of at least 165 degrees Fahrenheit to kill most bacteria that cause food poisoning.   Do not leave food unrefrigerated longer than two hours or the chances of bacterial growth increase.  The Illinois Department of Public Health reminds people during the holidays, or anytime, to avoid eating certain foods like raw oysters; drinks and food made with unpasteurized eggs; and rare or raw meat.  These foods can harbor bacteria that cause food poisoning.  Make sure to wash your hands and keep everything in the kitchen clean.  In the unfortunate case of a holiday mishap, the Department of Insurance can assist consumers with the claims process.  For more information, call the toll free hotline at 866-445-5364.