New health care rules are making health coverage more comprehensive and affordable but there are many questions about it.  On Saturday, the Washington County Health Department will participate in “Cover Your Community,” which is a statewide effort to educate Illinois residents about their health coverage.   Jamie Jones, the Director of Environmental Health tells WNSV that they have people that are certified to help people sign up at the Healthcare Marketplace on the internet.  She explains the purpose of Saturday, which is more of an open house with a question and answer session, then sign people up with one-on-one appointments when they can go through the marketplace on the computer.  She wants the residents of Washington County to know there is a place to go to get answers, especially for those that may not know what a premium or co-pay may mean or how it will affect them.  This event is mostly for employees and individuals in general, not really for employers.  Jones says that part is very involved and they will refer business owners or human resources administrators to brokers, who are better prepared to answer their questions.  Visit their office at 177 S. Washington Street in Nashville from 10 AM to 2 PM on Saturday.  For more information call the WCHD at 327-3644.