The March Primary Election is over, but it’s never too early to look at the Washington County ballot for November.  There are some County Board seats open.  In District 1, there are 3 seats available and that will have Democrat William Leutner and Republicans Gary Suedmeyer and Jeffrey Evans.  Democrat Kathy Muenter is unopposed for the unexpired Board seat in District 1.  In District 2, there are 3 seats open with Democrats Theresa Kurwicki and Willy Spenner on the ballot with Republican Alan Hohlt.  There is a race in District 3 with only 2 seats.  It will be Democrat Timothy Dunnigan against Republicans David Meyer and Douglas Bening.  There are no races in many of the County Precincts.  In Ashley, only Democrat Len Piasecki is on the ballot.  In Beaucoup, only Democrat Charles Schultz is on the ballot.  In Bolo, only Democrat Tony Mayville is running, while in Covington, Republican Harrison Rhine Junior is unopposed.  There are no candidates for DuBois 1, while only Democrat Luke Tomaszewski is running in DuBois 2.  Democrat Dale Sachtleben is on the ballot for Hoyleton 1, while Democrat Stanley Renth is unopposed in Hoyleton 2.  Democrat Gera Sims is alone on the ballot for Irvington 1, while Democrat Kathy Muenter is unopposed for Irvington 2.  There are no candidates running for Johannisburg.  In Lively Grove, only Democrat George Jebron is running.  There are no candidates for Nashville 1, while only Democrat Richard Schorfheide is on the ballot for Nashville 2.  In Nashville 3, Republican Brian Heckert is unopposed.  There are no candidates on the ballot for Nashville 4.  There are races in a few precincts, including in Oakdale with Democrat Peter Geppert against Republican Veron Auld.  In Okawville 1, Democrat Timothy Dunnigan will take on Republican Matthew Riechmann.  There are no candidates running in Okawville 2, while only Republican Steven Fletcher is on the ballot for Pilot Knob.  Again, there are no candidates in Plum Hill.  In Richview, Democrat Arlene Skibinski is unopposed, while in Venedy, Republican Daniel Janowski is unopposed.  Voter registration is open again for the November election.