The Washington County Solid Waste Committee and the Washington County Health Department reminds everyone of the upcoming free electronics recycling collection in Washington County.  The collection will provide an opportunity for residents and businesses to safely recycle old electronics and related items.  The collection is tomorrow at the Nashville Community Center parking lot in Nashville from 9 AM to 12 noon.  The Illinois Electronic Products Recycling and Reuse Act prohibits disposing of unwanted electronics in regular trash for burial in landfills.  This free collection should be used as a means to rid of these unwanted items and to prevent any further dumping.  RNA Worldwide, a local company out of Belleville, Illinois will be running the collection and removing the electronics.  As a standard operational procedure RNA Worldwide will clear off and completely wipe every data containing device they receive.  If the device cannot be wiped clean it will be shredded. Items accepted tomorrow include CPU’s and laptops, mainframes, peripherals, as well as monitors.  Also, telephones, cell phones and phone systems, fax machines, printers and copiers, televisions, banking and financial equipment, as well as medical equipment.  They will also accept rechargeable batteries, electronic circuit boards and components, stereo equipment, games, PDA’s, microwaves and all household appliances.  Items that will not be accepted include busted television sets, tires, light bulbs, paint or other hazardous materials or waste.